Buttermilk pancakes with super delicious toppings

aix-3-armenios HCH 10 / May 2016

Buttermilk pancakes with super delicious toppings, by Eyal Streett


Hi there all you cooking lovers, hope you’re doing well!

The search for the perfect pancake is constant in our household. Some of us like them thin, others spongy, others airy, others golden….

I can assure you one thing: never mind how I won’t make them, one or two will always be a bit burnt. That’s one of the main reasons for this issue’s recipe: I want my wife to try and cook them according to this recipe –then I can be sure that not even one will burn!

I find buttermilk much better than “ordinary” milk. The texture of the batter is quite different and not as liquid. Stir the ingredients well, but don’t try and make an even batter it’s right when it looks a bit messy.

A note regarding flour: as you’ll see I mixed plain white all-purpose flour with corn meal. Either yellow or white corn meal will do. In case you don’t have any corn meal at home you could simply make the recipe with 500 grams all-purpose flour.

By the way, this recipe makes around 20 pancakes. You could either make them all or keep the batter in the fridge (and have them for breakfast and dinner!)

So, enough talking. Let’s cook!


350 grams all-purpose flour

150 grams corn meal (I used white)

4 Tbsp. sugar (I used white)

2 tsp. bsking powder

1 tsp. baking soda

pinch of salt

3 eggs (slightly beaten)

1 tsp. vanilla extract

4 Tbsp. melted butter (= around 70 grams)

1 liter buttermilk

1 tsp. butter for greasing the griddle

large mixing bowl

smaller bowl for beating eggs

small saucepan for melting butter


griddle or large pan


Super delicious toppings



maple syrup


Peanut butter 

chocolate sprinkles (preferably: hagelslag)

whipped cream


  1. In a mixing bowl: Mix well the flours, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt.
  2. Melt your butter and beat your eggs.
  3. Add eggs, vanilla extract, melted butter and buttermilk. Mix together but don’t worry about getting it all nice and even, as long as it’s all mixed together that’s good enough.
  4. Grease your griddle and heat it to medium-high.
  5. Get your batter on the griddle using a ladle.
  6. After about 1.5 minutes you should turn your pancakes over with a spatula and cook them for another minute or until golden. Don’t burn them!!! (that’s my job)
  7. Pile them up and serve with your favorite toppings!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAMixing the dry ingredients

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAMy special assistant!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAMy special assistant mixing it all together


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAdding the buttermilk

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThis is the texture you’re looking for

yally-pancakes-1On the griddle




OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAMy assistant enjoying her pancake!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERASuperman enjoying a super-breakfast

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOur beautiful photographer having one with Nutella

a-yally-dalit-3-PRECIOSOS Eyal Streett / Photos by Yael Streett Tejeda / Madrid, April 2016